In today’s world, social media marketing is seen as an essential tool for any business looking to survive and thrive. With billions of people using social media every day, it’s no surprise that businesses are shifting their focus to social media to grow their brand and reach a wider audience. However, with countless tips, tricks and strategies, social media marketing can be overwhelming for beginners. That’s where Orson Hill Marketing Solutions comes in. Specializing in social media marketing, Orson Hill Marketing Solutions is the go-to solution for businesses that want to perfect their social media strategies.

Marketing Your Company

Here are five successful social media marketing tips to take your business to the next level.

Customer Research:
Successful social media marketing begins with understanding your customers. Your social media strategy should be tailored to meet the needs and preferences of your target audience. Thorough customer research is the first step towards creating a successful social media campaign. Use online tools to identify customer characteristics and behaviors, including demographics, interests, and purchasing habits. Understanding your customer’s wants and needs will help you create social media content that resonates with them.

Set a Clear Goal:
Without a clear goal, your social media strategy is like a ship without a compass, it has no direction. Every business should set specific and measurable goals to achieve on social media. This could be to increase website traffic, drive sales, or increase brand awareness. Setting a clear goal will keep you focused and motivated, and make it easier for you to stay on track.

Analyze of Competitors:
Competitor analysis is the best way to learn what works and what doesn’t work in your industry. It helps you identify what your competitors are doing well, and where they are failing. By analyzing your competitors’ social media strategy, you will understand the types of content they are using, which platforms they are leveraging, their posting frequency, and more. This will help you create your social media strategy and remain competitive in your industry.

Create Relevant Content:
Now that you understand your customers’ needs and preferences, have a clear goal, and have analyzed your competitors, it’s time to create relevant content. Creating content that resonates with your customers and aligns with your brand message is crucial for social media success. This content could be videos, images, blog posts, or infographics. Good content helps drive engagements, website traffic, and conversions.

Decide When to Post:
Posting content on social media at the right time is essential. Your social media posts must be strategically timed to reach your target audience when they are most active. Therefore, it’s important to plan your posts to ensure they reach your followers at the right moment. Knowing your followers’ time zones and the best time to post is an essential aspect of social media marketing.

In conclusion, Social Media Marketing is crucial for businesses to succeed in the digital age. However, social media marketing can be overwhelming for many businesses. The five tips mentioned above can help guide businesses towards social media success. At Orson Hill Marketing Solutions, we specialize in creating custom social media strategies that help businesses thrive. Contact us today at for more information on how we can help your business grow through social media marketing!

How Important is Marketing Your Business Online?

It is amazing that 15 years ago only cutting-edge businesses advertised online. Now it is almost (if not definitely) the most important marketing most companies will do. Seems people have moved a lot of their print advertising budget to online marketing. Online marketing is no longer a luxury where you spend your extra marketing capital. It is where you focus a majority of your working capital.


The Need for Online Marketing

There is no doubt that Google and Facebook are having a big influence on the online marketing industry. According to Digiday, while Google’s share of online ad spending dropped from 58 percent in 2014 to 50.7 percent in 2015, Facebook’s revenue jumped 25 percent to $12 billion during the same period. However, other research suggests that more than 80 percent of all new businesses today will not survive five years. We are talking about an industry where the threat of an economy downturn is a very real possibility. Online marketing can help a company adapt. Starting an online business has a lot of benefits. Many people have declared bankruptcy because of failed businesses in the past.

What are the Benefits of Online Marketing?

A good online marketing campaign can help your business grow. If you do the right things in the right way, your customers will fall in love with your brand and find your site a great place to buy and from. At least they will come back and tell their friends about you, based on the online marketing you are doing for your company. What are the main challenges to online marketing? Apart from the fact that you have to learn how to do it, it also takes more time and effort to get the most out of online marketing. Here are some of the biggest challenges: I. Time. You have to dedicate your time to online marketing if you want to grow. You have to engage your online marketing activities at the right time.

Social Media Marketing?

Yes, Social Media Marketing is the key to many online businesses. In fact, 89% of online business owners use social media to promote their business. But, don’t think that simply posting on Facebook is enough. You must have a blog and use it to educate your readership. And, do not forget about your website. How do you attract traffic to your website? Blogging and active participation on social media are two huge drivers to your online business. The best way to improve your marketing is to involve your customers. Give them an opportunity to do the marketing for you. They are the ones who are likely to give you great feedback. Ask them about the products you are selling. Let them ask you questions. Share tips and ideas on how you can improve your products or services.

Marketing your business on Facebook

In 2017, 62% of marketers used Facebook for promotional content. Facebook does allow you to put up posts which will not get published on the news feed but only on your followers’ feed. This means that your followers’ feed (and hence advertising by your business) will get the impression that your post has been published by your company without it actually being published on the news feed. In 2017, Facebook made it possible for businesses to create ads for their company pages in your niche. For example, to help you out with website promotion, you can now have a promotional advertisement for your blog on your company page. Facebook also allows you to post reminders of upcoming sales on your company’s page. However, don’t forget about the 24-hour timer when you have created the ad.

Marketing you website

I recently had a meeting with a client. He is a real estate developer. He told me a story about the use of a sophisticated marketing approach he had been working with. The marketing tool is called the Hook. It is an online marketing tool that he uses to create business leads. The hook is simple. It is a cartoon that helps the user imagine the product they are trying to sell and what it might look like. The user can then, either using a mouse click, download the link and create a prototype. The demo is a landing page which features an image with a preview of the product and a description of it. Once clicked the user can see the demo as they would if they are the prospective customer. This process, while not the cheapest form of marketing, proved very effective.

How to Pick a Good Online Advertising Strategy That Works for You?

With thousands of companies competing for your business, where should you start? Well, there are many things you need to do and many different strategies you can use. The purpose of this article is to give you a quick overview of the advantages and disadvantages of using several of the most popular strategies. It is definitely an area where you will need more than just an intro and some quick research. The three most used strategies are: Google Ads Google Adwords is perhaps the most popular way to run an online advertising campaign. The basic idea behind the strategy is that Google shows its advertisers ads on their own search engine, so people who search for a similar product are shown your ads.


The days of business owners relying on traditional media to reach their customers is over. These days, with the proliferation of online media, you must place a good deal of emphasis on it if you want to be successful. Even if you can only spend a little on it, it can make a difference in your sales. Get started today by getting the most out of your digital marketing strategies. A business owner’s decision on how to allocate their digital marketing budget is a decision that should give them the ability to succeed in business.


Real Estate Marketing

In the digital era, a strong online presence is indispensable. This includes maintaining a user-friendly…
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