Branding Your Company – Why It Matters

If you’re looking to build a long-term, successful business, you need to start with a strong brand. Your brand is what sets you apart from your competitors, it’s what makes you unique, and helps you connect with your customers on a deeper level.

A successful brand communicates your company’s values, mission, and goals while also creating an emotional connection with your audience. Whether you’re a small business owner or a multinational corporation, a strong brand is the foundation of your success.

The Essential Elements of a Strong Brand

There are several key elements that contribute to a strong brand, including:

  • A unique name and logo
  • A consistent visual identity (color scheme, typography, and imagery)
  • A brand voice that reflects your brand’s personality and values
  • A strong online presence (websites, social media channels, and online advertising)
  • Consistently high-quality products or services
  • A focus on customer experience, satisfaction, and loyalty

Why You Need to Use Orson Hill Marketing Solutions to Market Your Company

Now that you understand the importance of branding, the question is how do you market your company effectively? Marketing is the process of promoting and selling products or services, and it includes a wide range of activities from traditional advertising to digital marketing.

Orson Hill Marketing Solutions is a marketing agency that specializes in helping small and medium-sized businesses build their brand and grow their business. They offer a wide range of services to help you achieve your marketing goals, including:

  • Website design and development: Your website is the first impression your customers will have of your company, so it’s important to have a well-designed and user-friendly site.
  • Social media management: Social media is an essential part of modern marketing, and Orson Hill can help you build a strong social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO): SEO helps improve your website’s search engine rankings so that customers can find you more easily when they search for products or services like yours.
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising: PPC advertising allows you to target specific keywords and demographics to reach your ideal customer more effectively.
  • Email marketing: By creating targeted email campaigns, you can reach your customers on a personal level and build relationships with them over time.

Orson Hill Marketing Solutions is the Only Company You Need

In today’s competitive business environment, a strong brand and effective marketing are essential to succeed. Orson Hill Marketing Solutions can help you create a unique and memorable brand that resonates with your customers and build a marketing strategy that drives growth and profitability.

Investing in professional marketing services will pay off in the long run by increasing your brand recognition, customer loyalty, and sales. Contact Orson Hill Marketing Solutions today to start building your brand and growing your business.

Branding Your Business

Branding is an essential aspect of any successful business, and it plays a critical role in differentiating your company from the competition. By creating a unique brand that resonates with your target audience, you can establish a strong reputation and build long-term relationships with customers.

In this article, we will explore why branding your company is so important and how it can impact your bottom line.

Branding establishes a unique identity

Branding is all about creating a unique identity for your company that sets it apart from competitors. By developing a clear and consistent brand identity, you can create a memorable impression in the minds of your customers. This can help your business stand out in a crowded marketplace and increase your visibility.

Branding builds trust and credibility

A strong brand can help build trust and credibility with customers. A well-established brand is seen as a mark of quality, and it can make potential customers feel more confident about doing business with your company. A consistent and professional brand image can help convey a sense of reliability and dependability, which can be invaluable in attracting and retaining customers.

Branding can increase customer loyalty

Branding can also help build customer loyalty. By creating a strong brand identity, you can establish a connection with your customers that goes beyond just a product or service. This can help foster long-term relationships with customers, leading to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth marketing.

Branding can help attract top talent

A strong brand can also be an asset when it comes to attracting top talent. A company with a positive and recognizable brand image is more likely to attract qualified and motivated employees. This can help improve your company’s performance and overall success.

Branding can improve your marketing efforts

Effective branding can also improve your marketing efforts. By creating a strong and recognizable brand identity, you can make your marketing materials more memorable and effective. Consistent branding across all marketing channels can help create a cohesive message and improve the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.

Branding your company is essential for establishing a unique identity, building trust and credibility, increasing customer loyalty, attracting top talent, and improving your marketing efforts. By investing in your brand, you can create a strong and sustainable business that is well-positioned for long-term success.

Branding is an important part of any business, but it is especially important for new companies. It can be difficult to stand out in a crowded marketplace, but successful branding strategies can help. In this blog, I will share some of the key strategies for successful branding, and how you can use them to make sure your new company is noticed!

What is Branding and Brand Strategy?

Branding is the process of creating an emotional connection between a company and its customers. A brand is more than just a logo, a tagline, or a product name; it is the promise of what a company stands for. It is the way a company communicates with its customers, builds relationships, and ultimately, grows.

Brand strategy is the process of creating and implementing a plan to build a successful brand. It involves defining the company’s values, setting goals, and developing strategies to reach those goals. It also involves understanding the target audience and the competition and leveraging social media and other channels to communicate with customers.

Benefits of Strategic Branding

There are many benefits to developing a strategic branding plan for your new company. A strong brand identity can help you stand out in the marketplace and build customer loyalty. It can also help you attract more customers and increase your sales. Additionally, a strong branding strategy can help you build a positive reputation and trust with your customers, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction.

Steps for Developing a Brand Strategy

Developing a brand strategy can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some steps you can take to ensure a successful branding strategy for your new company:

  1. Understand Your Target Audience: First, you need to understand who your target audience is. This includes understanding their needs and wants, as well as their values and beliefs.
  2. Develop Your Brand Values: Once you understand your target audience, you need to develop your brand values. These should reflect the values of your target audience, and be the foundation of your brand.
  3. Craft a Unique Brand Identity: Your brand identity should reflect your brand values, and be something that sets you apart from your competitors. This includes your logo, tagline, and overall design.
  4. Set Goals: Setting goals is an essential part of any business strategy. Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, and relevant.
  5. Create a Brand Plan: Once you’ve set your goals, you need to create a plan to reach them. This should include a timeline, budget, and strategies for reaching your goals.

The Importance of Brand Positioning

Brand positioning is the process of positioning your brand in the minds of your target audience. It is the process of identifying your unique selling point, and communicating it to your target audience in a way that resonates with them. This can help you stand out in the marketplace and build a strong brand identity.

Creating a Brand Plan and Setting Goals

Once you’ve identified your target audience and developed your brand values, you need to create a brand plan and set goals. Your brand plan should include a timeline, budget, and strategies for reaching your goals. Additionally, your goals should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound).

Crafting a Unique Brand Identity

Your brand identity should reflect your brand values, and be something that sets you apart from your competitors. This includes your logo, tagline, and overall design. A well-crafted brand identity can help you create an emotional connection with your customers and build loyalty.

The Advantages of Branding for a New Company

Branding can have many advantages for a new company. It can help you stand out in the marketplace and build a strong identity. It can also help you attract more customers and increase sales. Additionally, a well-crafted brand can help you build customer loyalty and trust, and establish a positive reputation.

Brand Storytelling and Its Role in Branding

Brand storytelling is an important part of any successful branding strategy. It is the process of crafting a narrative that reflects your brand values and connects with your target audience. This can help you create an emotional connection with your customers and build loyalty.

Leveraging Social Media for Branding

Social media is an important tool for any business, and it can be especially useful for new companies. It can help you reach a wider audience, build relationships, and increase brand awareness. Additionally, it can help you build customer loyalty and trust, and foster a sense of community.

Effective Strategies for Branding Your New Company

There are many effective strategies for branding your new company. Here are some strategies you can use to make sure your new company is noticed:

  1. Develop a Unique Brand Identity: As mentioned earlier, your brand identity should be something that sets you apart from your competitors. This includes your logo, tagline, and overall design.
  2. Leverage Social Media: Social media can be a great tool for reaching a wider audience and increasing brand awareness. Additionally, it can help you build relationships and foster a sense of community.
  3. Focus on Storytelling: Storytelling is an important part of any successful branding strategy. It can help you create an emotional connection with your customers and build loyalty.
  4. Analyze Your Competition: Understanding your competition is an important part of any successful branding strategy. You should analyze their strategies and identify ways to differentiate yourself.
  5. Monitor Your Progress: Once you’ve implemented your branding strategy, you should monitor your progress and make adjustments as necessary. This will help you ensure that your branding strategy is effective.

What is Brand Strategy?

Brand strategy is the process of creating and implementing a plan to build a successful brand. It involves defining the company’s values, setting goals, and developing strategies to reach those goals. Additionally, it involves understanding the target audience and the competition, and leveraging social media and other channels to communicate with customers.

Components of a Branding Strategy

A successful branding strategy consists of several components, including:

  1. Understanding Your Target Audience: It is important to understand who your target audience is and what their needs and wants are.
  2. Developing Your Brand Values: Your brand values should reflect the values of your target audience and be the foundation of your brand.
  3. Crafting a Unique Brand Identity: Your brand identity should be something that sets you apart from your competitors. This includes your logo, tagline, and overall design.
  4. Setting Goals: Setting SMART goals is an important part of any business strategy.
  5. Creating a Brand Plan: Once you’ve set your goals, you need to create a plan to reach them. This should include a timeline, budget, and strategies for reaching your goals.
  6. Leveraging Social Media: Social media can be a great tool for reaching a wider audience and increasing brand awareness.

Benefits of Branding Strategies

Branding strategies can have many benefits for a new company. A successful branding strategy can help you stand out in the marketplace and build customer loyalty. It can also help you attract more customers and increase your sales. Additionally, a strong branding strategy can help you build a positive reputation and trust with your customers, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction.

Brand Strategy Development

Developing a brand strategy can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some steps you can take to ensure a successful branding strategy for your new company:

  1. Understand Your Target Audience: First, you need to understand who your target audience is. This includes understanding their needs and wants, as well as their values and beliefs.
  2. Develop Your Brand Values: Once you understand your target audience, you need to develop your brand values. These should reflect the values of your target audience, and be the foundation of your brand.
  3. Craft a Unique Brand Identity: Your brand identity should reflect your brand values, and be something that sets you apart from your competitors. This includes your logo, tagline, and overall design.
  4. Set Goals: Setting goals is an essential part of any business strategy. Your goals should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound).
  5. Create a Brand Plan: Once you’ve set your goals, you need to create a plan to reach them. This should include a timeline, budget, and strategies for reaching your goals.

Strategies for Branding

Once you’ve developed your brand strategy, you need to implement it. Here are some effective strategies for branding your new company:

  1. Leverage Social Media: Social media can be a great tool for reaching a wider audience and increasing brand awareness. Additionally, it can help you build relationships and foster a sense of community.
  2. Focus on Storytelling: Storytelling is an important part of any successful branding strategy. It can help you create an emotional connection with your customers and build loyalty.
  3. Analyze Your Competition: Understanding your competition is an important part of any successful branding strategy. You should analyze their strategies and identify ways to differentiate yourself.
  4. Monitor Your Progress: Once you’ve implemented your branding strategy, you should monitor your progress and make adjustments as necessary. This will help you ensure that your branding strategy is effective.

Crafting a Branding Plan

Once you’ve identified your target audience and developed your brand values, you need to create a branding plan. Your branding plan should include a timeline, budget, and strategies for reaching your goals. Additionally, your goals should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound).

Brand Marketing Strategies

Once you’ve developed your brand strategy, it’s time to implement it. Brand marketing strategies can help you reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness. These strategies can include leveraging social media, creating content, and running targeted ad campaigns.

The Brand Strategy Process

The brand strategy process involves creating and implementing a plan to build a successful brand. It involves understanding the target audience, developing brand values, crafting a unique brand identity, setting goals, creating a brand plan, and leveraging social media and other channels to communicate with customers.

Understanding Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is an important part of any successful branding strategy. You need to understand who your target audience is and what their needs and wants are. This will help you craft a brand identity that resonates with them and helps you stand out in the marketplace.

Creating Your Brand Story

Brand storytelling is an important part of any successful branding strategy. It is the process of crafting a narrative that reflects your brand values and connects with your target audience. This can help you create an emotional connection with your customers and build loyalty.

Now that you know the secrets to successful branding strategies, it’s time to get your new company noticed! Launch your new brand now and start on the path to success!

How To Brand Your Company: The Best Advice for Startup Companies

When you are starting a new company it seems overwhelming. There are things that need to be done before you get too far in the process. Company and product branding is one of the most important aspects of setting up a successful new company or launching a new product. Branding is how you present yourself to the world.. With all the competition in your market, you should always focus heavily on branding and brand identity.

The Importance of Branding

A brand identity can help a company’s success or ruin it. It is a more focused way to define yourself, and companies which have strong brands are more likely to succeed. According to Inc., “Brand identity is your entire set of outward-facing communication…it encompasses everything you do… It is who you are, everything you say, everything you do, and who you have identified yourself as. You are your brand.” (1) People relate to brands. People are emotional and passionate about their companies. This means your image becomes important, the visual representation of your company. By branding your product or your company, you are visualizing yourself.

Setting up Your Brand Identity

You can’t give away all your secrets to setting up your brand identity. However, I will do my best to give you some tips to help you start off with. You can always spend more time on branding and creation but for the most part, a company should be launching pretty soon and not need that much time to get set up. 1. Branding Must Have Purpose and Authenticity When your logo and branding look authentic it makes your company or product seem more relatable to the people who are reading about your company online. There are a few tricks that you can do to really create a unique brand and unique logo.

How to Build a Brand, Step by Step

For some companies, you might not think that branding is that important, especially if you have a product that is going to be niche. However, you need to be careful when setting up your company or product. What’s the point of having a successful and competitive business if you can’t make a name for yourself? Branding is all about creating a consistent and well defined image of your company. You need to put effort into branding to get people to remember you, remember your name and recognize you in any crowd. Take some of the tips and apply them to your branding in order to build a loyal brand. Choose Your Niche Even though you need to consider the amount of competition in your market, you need to choose a niche or problem to solve.

The Importance of Logo Design

You need to create a strong logo to help identify your company. A logo is your company’s brand. It is often the first thing that people see when looking at your company name. People will recognize your logo and know that they are interacting with a company that is unique. They will also recognize your company when they see your logo because it should be designed to promote your company. The size and design of your logo should convey your company’s identity and characteristics. The size of your logo is important because it must be able to be large enough for people to recognize it. Customization To provide more options, you may want to offer different font sizes and type styles for your logo. If you create a custom logo then you have total control over how your logo looks.

What Makes a Good Logo?

You can tell a lot about a company by looking at their logo. A good logo for a new company is clear and a logo should be well designed to stand out in a crowd. One of the best things about a logo is that it can change from year to year. A logo should be accessible to everyone, which is especially important if it is going to be seen by more people. A logo is just a graphic, it doesn’t have to be detailed. A logo is meant to represent a business or a product. It is important to make sure that it is properly designed and that your logo is something that consumers can easily recognize. A logo should be a visual, a primary way to let people know who you are. You should be able to make a logo stand out with an image and color scheme.

What Do You Need To Consider When Designing A Logo?

Let’s take a look at the design of your logo and branding. When starting a new company, brand, or product, your logo is going to be the face of your company. Let’s take a look at what you need to consider when designing a logo for your new company or product. The Problem With Logo Design The first problem with logo design is the lack of understanding of what a logo is. You don’t have to be a designer to understand a logo. You just have to have a basic understanding of the kind of requirements your clients will have to look at. This includes: Style – This includes color, size, shape, etc. – This includes color, size, shape, etc.

Color Theory

Developing your brand is the most important first step. The way you present yourself to the world is based on who you are and how you will be perceived. This is something that requires a lot of thought and it takes time. However, branding your company or brand is simple and all you need is a bit of creativity and time. Color is one of the most important concepts when it comes to creating a brand for your company. You need to be able to present yourself to the world as a company that has a unique and positive image. A company that has a bold and bright design is a perfect example of branding. Here are some of the ideas on how you can create a vibrant and brand that people will notice and become loyal to: Keywords Keywords are words or phrases that represent a brand.

Choosing the Right Colors

Now that you have a core brand, and some company history, how are you going to create an identity for your brand. The first thing you should be thinking about is the color palette and brand colors. The most important colors when designing a company or a product are red, yellow and black. Black stands for business, solid, seriousness and entrepreneurship. Light green represents plants and trees and it’s believed to increase sales. Red represents the hot blood of the stock market, but it also symbolizes anger, vigor, passion and lust. These are all good things to have in your marketing materials. Yellow stands for creativity and optimism and so does green. Red is also a powerful color.

Choosing Text Colors for Your Logo

“An excellent way to brand a product is to call it by its technical name. The word “Silicon” should not be shortened to “SOIL.” And “motherboards” should not be abbreviated to “MMBs.”” – Dale Carnegie If you are looking for inspiration for your company’s brand, one of the best places to start is on the Internet. You can go to the likes of and browse through the different company brands. You can look at how the company brands itself. What Color Color Should Your Logo? If you are like me, the first thing you will probably think is what color your logo should be. That is a good question to ask, because it will affect everything else in the company, and will effect the way your customers will perceive you, and what you are trying to achieve.

The Importance of Typography in Branding

Writing a brand is a lot of work, especially a new company. One of the best ways to make sure that you are doing it correctly is by using the right typography. When you are starting a company it is important that your website is easy to read and that it conveys what you need it to in the smallest amount of time possible. You want it to be intuitive for potential customers to understand how you will provide your service or product to them. Typography is an integral part of brand design, and it is the most important factor for choosing the right font for a website, flyer, letterhead, posters and more. Try Typography To Help You Be More Creative Just because you’re starting a company doesn’t mean that you have to stick with business-specific fonts.

Why You Need to Market Even When Business is Slow and Revenue Is Down

You always hear “we need to cut down on marketing and advertising because we are low on capital”. That is something I don’t understand. Don’t get me wrong I had that belief once or twice in my career. It happens. You don’t understand the only place you should be spending when times are tough is advertising. It is always important to market. Good times and bad.

The importance of marketing

If you don’t market, you miss the boat. Have you ever watched professional athletes on the biggest stage in sports when they have already won? They don’t sit around and wait for the next game. They are constantly marketing. They always have social media and a website and so much more to market with. Are you pro athletes? Think about it. Would you like to be and if not, what would you like to be? If you don’t market then your dream of being a pro athlete could be nothing more than a dream and only the lucky few could live that dream. Let’s look at the psychology behind marketing. Marketers are always talking about the psychology of why people buy what they buy.

Orson Hill Marketing Solutions
Orson Hill Marketing Solutions

Why When Your Business Is Slow, You Need to Always Be Marketing

You have just laid off your last employee, so now you are trying to grow. At the same time, you are running out of money. So now, how should you market? Should you hire someone to handle your marketing? Do you hire someone now to help you grow in the future? What marketing do you need to do to grow your business? You need to get out there and keep marketing no matter what. The market is all about trying to reach your target audience as often as possible. There is no age, race or gender on this planet that your target audience won’t already be aware of. You need to market as much as possible. The good news is you need to always be marketing. That doesn’t mean you need to spend money. Don’t do that either. It means you need to market as much as possible.

The Advantages of Marketing

You must always be marketing. Marketing is the most effective way to generate leads, be top in the search results, and will put you top of mind when people are in need. In this digital age, if people don’t see your ad it won’t do anything. People are dicks, they Google. If they don’t see you, they will go on to the next ad on the page. The Top Marketing and Advertising Tricks Remember when I talked about writing a great content and planning an effective campaign for it? There is a lot of advice out there, and it is super easy to get lost in it. Your goals and methods are different than everyone else’s. I wanted to show you a couple of ways to be successful without the bottom-line thinking that most marketers follow.

Can I Really Afford Not To Market?

There will always be times when it is necessary to shut down. No business can keep operating at 100% all the time. That doesn’t mean you can’t succeed at it though. You don’t need to invest too much. You want to have enough of a marketing budget to build up a following and connect with your audience. That way you can bring them back with another message when times are good. What Happens When You Don’t Market? A lot of people have “made it” by being weird. They have a product or service that no one knows about or understands. They advertise a lot and because they don’t know what people want or need they are always trying to convince people to take a chance on their product. They never do what you need them to do.

How Much Does It Cost?

Where are you getting your return on your marketing investment? How much will you need to invest? How much does it cost? The more you know the better chance you have at making decisions on how to spend your marketing dollars. Not all marketing is good, some is absolutely useless. Some can even be a waste of money. For example when you get into TV advertising and cable spots that offer you to a really expensive internet free trial to get cable. If I am in the middle of losing money why in the world would I buy cable advertising when there is an online free trial? There is much more to advertising than just a visual experience. You should do your due diligence and really look at the return on investment. Just going on Amazon for something and not having a clue how to use the product.

Is It Worth It?

But that is a hard one. I’ve been in marketing for more than 20 years. I’ve spent most of that time as an agency owner. I’ve managed to turn that marketing budget into a small business. That is something I’m very proud of. It is hard work. I would never say that it is “worth it”. I would say marketing is always important to be investing in. It is hard. But I have found a way to make it more fun. Why You Need to Market Even When Business is Low and Revenue is Down If I’m doing this right, you are getting paid for marketing anyway. You are spending less to get your message out there. That means you have to make it worth your client’s while to pay you. That means you have to think differently and be strategic about what you are doing. Have a plan and be prepared.

How Important is Marketing Your Business Online?

It is amazing that 15 years ago only cutting-edge businesses advertised online. Now it is almost (if not definitely) the most important marketing most companies will do. Seems people have moved a lot of their print advertising budget to online marketing. Online marketing is no longer a luxury where you spend your extra marketing capital. It is where you focus a majority of your working capital.


The Need for Online Marketing

There is no doubt that Google and Facebook are having a big influence on the online marketing industry. According to Digiday, while Google’s share of online ad spending dropped from 58 percent in 2014 to 50.7 percent in 2015, Facebook’s revenue jumped 25 percent to $12 billion during the same period. However, other research suggests that more than 80 percent of all new businesses today will not survive five years. We are talking about an industry where the threat of an economy downturn is a very real possibility. Online marketing can help a company adapt. Starting an online business has a lot of benefits. Many people have declared bankruptcy because of failed businesses in the past.

What are the Benefits of Online Marketing?

A good online marketing campaign can help your business grow. If you do the right things in the right way, your customers will fall in love with your brand and find your site a great place to buy and from. At least they will come back and tell their friends about you, based on the online marketing you are doing for your company. What are the main challenges to online marketing? Apart from the fact that you have to learn how to do it, it also takes more time and effort to get the most out of online marketing. Here are some of the biggest challenges: I. Time. You have to dedicate your time to online marketing if you want to grow. You have to engage your online marketing activities at the right time.

Social Media Marketing?

Yes, Social Media Marketing is the key to many online businesses. In fact, 89% of online business owners use social media to promote their business. But, don’t think that simply posting on Facebook is enough. You must have a blog and use it to educate your readership. And, do not forget about your website. How do you attract traffic to your website? Blogging and active participation on social media are two huge drivers to your online business. The best way to improve your marketing is to involve your customers. Give them an opportunity to do the marketing for you. They are the ones who are likely to give you great feedback. Ask them about the products you are selling. Let them ask you questions. Share tips and ideas on how you can improve your products or services.

Marketing your business on Facebook

In 2017, 62% of marketers used Facebook for promotional content. Facebook does allow you to put up posts which will not get published on the news feed but only on your followers’ feed. This means that your followers’ feed (and hence advertising by your business) will get the impression that your post has been published by your company without it actually being published on the news feed. In 2017, Facebook made it possible for businesses to create ads for their company pages in your niche. For example, to help you out with website promotion, you can now have a promotional advertisement for your blog on your company page. Facebook also allows you to post reminders of upcoming sales on your company’s page. However, don’t forget about the 24-hour timer when you have created the ad.

Marketing you website

I recently had a meeting with a client. He is a real estate developer. He told me a story about the use of a sophisticated marketing approach he had been working with. The marketing tool is called the Hook. It is an online marketing tool that he uses to create business leads. The hook is simple. It is a cartoon that helps the user imagine the product they are trying to sell and what it might look like. The user can then, either using a mouse click, download the link and create a prototype. The demo is a landing page which features an image with a preview of the product and a description of it. Once clicked the user can see the demo as they would if they are the prospective customer. This process, while not the cheapest form of marketing, proved very effective.

How to Pick a Good Online Advertising Strategy That Works for You?

With thousands of companies competing for your business, where should you start? Well, there are many things you need to do and many different strategies you can use. The purpose of this article is to give you a quick overview of the advantages and disadvantages of using several of the most popular strategies. It is definitely an area where you will need more than just an intro and some quick research. The three most used strategies are: Google Ads Google Adwords is perhaps the most popular way to run an online advertising campaign. The basic idea behind the strategy is that Google shows its advertisers ads on their own search engine, so people who search for a similar product are shown your ads.


The days of business owners relying on traditional media to reach their customers is over. These days, with the proliferation of online media, you must place a good deal of emphasis on it if you want to be successful. Even if you can only spend a little on it, it can make a difference in your sales. Get started today by getting the most out of your digital marketing strategies. A business owner’s decision on how to allocate their digital marketing budget is a decision that should give them the ability to succeed in business.


Real Estate Marketing

In the digital era, a strong online presence is indispensable. This includes maintaining a user-friendly…
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Social Media Marketing: How Important Is It?

Social media marketing is a very new (relatively speaking) form of marketing. It is an ever changing marketing concept. It changes as people and social media companies change. We have come a long way from MySpace. Facebook and Instagram are the big ones for companies.


What is Social Media Marketing and Why Does it Matter?

Social Media Marketing has a broad reach. This is where you may start to get a little mixed up as to what exactly you are trying to do here. Essentially you are using social media to get your company or clients in front of the masses. There is an interesting sidebar here about number of followers.

Here is a quick listing of what you should be trying to accomplish using social media:

Build a solid following

Have high levels of engagement

Market your company/business and your expertise

Develop a customer service

Deliver timely and relevant content

Airmail/ship offers

Tailor communications to individual preferences

Also develop a brand persona

Personalize messages

If your company is not taking advantage of this or you want to know more, go check out this blog post.

The History of Social Media

Many companies believe the majority of their social media marketing is done on Facebook. Yet, the social media landscape changes so rapidly that many companies can’t keep up. When a new social media site comes out (for instance, Vine or Snapchat) it is the fastest way to see success. It is estimated that Facebook is used for about 23% of all advertising. This is a staggering number, but most companies only spend a little bit of money on social media. There are a lot of mistakes in this industry. SEO: The Overtime King SEO (search engine optimization) has been around for a long time. It is an ever changing marketing concept. Many companies thought it was going away, but they were wrong. Google changed their algorithm and all of a sudden, SEO became a massive boon to businesses.

The Rise of Social Media Platforms

There are actually multiple companies that provide social media marketing for a fee. Some of the well-known ones include Social Media Examiner and Social Media Examiner Pro. These companies are all about marketing a company and its products to people. People create these companies for a reason. The first step of the process is to create a plan. According to Social Media Examiner, it takes between five and thirty hours to create the proper social media plan. The ideal time frame is somewhere around 30 to 60 minutes. As for your social media strategy, you have to put in a lot of work. The more effort you put into it, the more traction you will get. Defining Your Goals Once your plan is in place, it’s time to define your goals. That’s where you get creative and get on the right track.

How to Use Social Media in Your Marketing

Creating an effective social media strategy can help your company to create more visibility for your company. You can use Facebook for your marketing, and Instagram and Twitter for customer retention. Be careful though. Social media does have many drawbacks. It can cause you to waste time and energy. Also, if you want your social media strategy to be successful, you should also build solid, social proof by incorporating all the online communities you operate in. How Much Does Social Media Marketing Cost Well, you need to measure the cost of social media marketing. There is no one answer, and it depends on the company’s size, their budget, and the time you would put into your social media campaign. Do you need to pay a social media manager?

Facebook Marketing Guide

What Does the “Facebook Ad” Term Mean? A lot of marketers are having trouble understanding Facebook marketing. It is not a specific term and is used for multiple purposes. They really use Facebook advertising but it also refers to advertising on other social media platforms. For example, Facebook advertising is often referred to as Facebook ads, paid posts, Facebook ads, native advertising and sponsored posts. Facebook Ad is a term of art because it is vague. It refers to a piece of advertising that has a Facebook share (basically someone clicks on the ad and the company gets paid for the ad) and in many cases has a hashtag for the post. However, it does not necessarily have to have a hashtag in order for Facebook ad to work. Facebook Ads Guide Do You Need to Be on Instagram?

Twitter Marketing Guide

Companies want to promote their brands in any way they can. Social media marketing makes this easier than ever. Social media can be used to gain a following and build a network. Companies get followers and can continue the momentum once they are “Facebook ‘friends” with their followers. It builds a following, builds a community and a network of potential customers. Social media can be used to set up a blog where followers can submit questions to the company. There are many platforms to use for this such as or There are lots of social media tools to set up for your company to use on social media. Social Media Marketing Ideas The social media tool you use and the messages you write have a huge impact on your audience. You have to be consistent with your message.

Instagram Marketing Guide

It is important to try and meet up with your target audience regularly. Not only to know their wants and needs but to also keep in contact with them. This is a good way to create a relationship with them and continue to build on that relationship throughout your marketing campaigns. Things to Consider When Implementing Social Media Marketing Start With Google Analytics Ask yourself a few questions: What demographic do I want to target? What posts do I want to post? What do they respond well to? Do they have a shopping cart? How long is it? How can I get people to buy through my page? Should I use a checklist? These are things you should be asking yourself and your team. Before you do anything, be sure to research it first.